Fighting Chlorine Damage

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Dive into Summer Fun: Protecting Your Locks from Chlorine!

Ah, the sweet scent of sunscreen, the splash of cool water, and the gentle sizzle of barbecue grills – it can only mean one thing: summer is here! But wait, before you cannonball into that sparkling pool, have you considered the toll it might take on your luscious locks? Fear not, fellow summer enthusiasts! I've got you covered with some nifty tips to keep your mane magnificent amidst the chlorine chaos.

1. Pre-Pool Prep:
Before you even think about dipping a toe in that chemical cocktail, consider prepping your hair with a good ol' H20 barrier. Give your tresses a generous rinse with fresh water. Think of it as a preemptive strike – saturating your hair with clean water before hitting the pool reduces its ability to absorb chlorine.

2. DIY Defense:
Ever heard of the phrase "fight fire with fire"? Well, how about we tweak that a bit and fight chlorine with conditioner! Consider coating your hair with a nourishing conditioner pre-swim. It acts as a shield against the harsh chemicals, minimizing their damaging effects. Plus, it leaves your hair smelling like a tropical paradise – win-win!
A great leave-in that works as a great porosity spray as well is Color Fanatic 21 Benefits from Pureology!

3. Rock That Swim Cap:
Okay, okay, we know what you're thinking – swim caps aren't exactly the epitome of fashion. But hey, they're practical! Investing in a snug-fitting swim cap not only protects your hair from chlorine but also keeps it away from those pesky tangles. And who knows, maybe you'll start a retro trend at the poolside.

4. Shampoo & Rinse, Rinse, Rinse:
Post-pool rinse sessions are your hair's best friend. As soon as you emerge from the chlorine abyss, make a beeline for the showers. Rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water to wash away any lingering chlorine. Trust us; your hair will thank you for it later. Be sure to shampoo as well with a Swimmer’s Shampoo like Malibu!

5. Deep Conditioning Delight:
After all the aquatic antics, treat your hair to a luxurious deep conditioning session. Opt for products specifically designed to replenish moisture and repair damage caused by chlorine exposure. Think of it as a spa day for your strands – they deserve it after enduring the chlorine onslaught. Malibu has a swimmers Conditioner and I also like Moroccan Oil’s Moisture Repair!

6. Hydrate From Within:

All healthy Hair, Skin & Nails starts with what's put INTO the body! Remember, hydration isn't just for your skin – it's for your hair too! Make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your locks hydrated and healthy. Bonus points if you add some refreshing fruits like watermelon or cucumber for an extra hydration boost.

7. Trim It Up:
Sometimes, a little snip-snip is all it takes to keep your hair looking its best. Consider scheduling regular trims to get rid of any dry, damaged ends. Not only does it keep your hair in tip-top shape, especially if you are in the pool A LOT!

So there you have it, folks – your ultimate guide to keeping your hair fabulous in the face of chlorine chaos! With these tips in your arsenal, you can cannonball into summer with confidence, knowing that your mane is protected and ready to make a splash. Now, who's up for some poolside fun?

Stay Beautiful!
